In 2016, dynamic duo Jan Kincaid and Dawn Joseph formed MF Robots after meeting while performing in the legendary band Brand New Heavies. Combining Jan’s production and songwriting skills with Dawn’s vocals and fashion sensibilities (she designed her own stage clothes while performing as the go-to backing vocalist for artists including Rod Stewart, Phil Collins, Michael Buble, Cee-Lo, Craig David and Rick Astley), their vibe is an eclectic and unique blend of hard funk, electronic, acid jazz, smooth soul, and pop.
Their new single, “Come On With The Good Thing,” showcases this distinctive appeal, right in time for spring. “This track was, in fact, the first thing that we wrote together. It was approaching summer but not quite there yet, and we wanted to bring some of that sunshine into this track,” they told AFROPUNK, “The message is simple: bring it on. It’s easy to be pessimistic, especially these days, but sometimes a little sunshine and a positive attitude can help you lift yourself to a higher, more positive place.”